Nursery Workers, Rebecca Murchison and Jackie Jones
Nursery Care
The church nursery is an important component of reaching out to parents. Providing a loving, caring and safe environment for their children, gives parents confidence that they are free to worship with the rest of the congregation and be fed through that time.
Point of contact: Darlene Shelton
AWANA is derived from II Timothy 2:15 for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed. Adult leaders are needed to lead groups, help children learn bible verses and to help with the Game Time activities. Annual leader training is available during the summer break.
Point of contact: Rodney Haygood
Wacky Wednesdays
During the Summer break we offer fun summer time activities for children and youth. Here at Friendship we call this program "Wacky Wednesdays". If you are young at heart and would like to be a part of this fun, contact us for more information.
Point of contact: Pastor Roy
Men's Ministry Leader and Children's Church Director, David Guyor and his wife, Kim
Children's church
There are many hands and hearts that go into a children’s ministry throughout the year. When you consider the great reward of seeing children responding to God’s love, it can be hard to imagine why anyone would walk away from this type of ministry.
Point of contact: David Guyor