Love One Another


We continue today with the 'One Another' blog series and focus on Love.  One third of the 'one another' verses specifically instruct Christians to love one another.  I think love is at the root of which all the other verses stem from.  1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."  To love one another is to love fellow believers as Christ loves us. Those who love like Christ in the Holy Spirit’s power will give evidence that they are followers of Jesus Christ.

From ...“How then can the believer in Christ love as Christ loved?” The believer in Christ has the Holy Spirit living within him (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). By obeying the Spirit, through the Word of God, the believer can love like Christ does. He shows that unconditional, sacrificial, forgiving love to fellow believers, but it doesn’t stop there. He also shows the love of Christ to friends, to family members, to coworkers, etc. (Ephesians 5:18–6:4Galatians 5:1622–23). Even enemies are the recipients of Christ’s love (see Matthew 5:43–48).

"We must not only put off anger and wrath, but we must put on compassion and kindness; not only cease to do evil, but learn to do well; not only not do hurt to any, but do what good we can to all."

Love one another "according to his command and in compliance with his authority, by strength derived from him, with an eye to his glory, and depending upon his merit for the acceptance of what is good and the pardon of what is amiss." 

'Love one another' has no prerequisites or restrictions.  Yes, some are more lovable than others but God loved each of us first and while we were still sinners and separated from Him.  What an example to follow!  

'Red, yellow, black and white...they are precious in His sight...Jesus loves the little children of the world.' 

As for myself, it's easy to love those in my circle but extending my circle to include more is not always my desire.  When I began going to a new church a couple of years ago, grace and love was extended to me that made me feel welcomed.  God's desire for me to be there soon became my desire.  Love extended is often love accepted by one another.

Ways in which we can show love to another...

  1. Compassion to the sufferings of others
  2. Kindness that promotes friendship
  3. Humbleness in both mind and demeanor
  4. Meekness to those that provoke us
  5. Long suffering to those who continue to provoke us
  6. Bear with others in what is disagreeable to us
  7. Have a readiness to forgive.... Even as Christ forgave you, so also do you.

'Love One Another' Verses... 

  1. Love one another (Jn 13:3415:1217Ro 13:81 Th 3:124:91 Pe 1:221 Jn 3:114:711; 2 Jn 5)
  2. Through love, serve one another (Ga 5:13)
  3. Tolerate one another in love (Ep 4:2)
  4. Greet one another with a kiss of love (1 Pe 5:14)
  5. Be devoted to one another in love (Ro 12:10)