This blog has been on my heart for some time now but I didn't know where to start. I wanted to challenge the idea in a lot of churches that 'God is just Love'. That is not the whole picture of God. I would argue that 'God is Love and Just!' John Piper's quote above, nails this true theology on the head. God gives both love and wrath because He cannot ignore sin, but He gave us a way through love with His Son, Jesus, to avoid that wrath.
Get Ready
Are you prepared for the daily battles that we all face everyday? Don't be blinded to the darkness of this world. It is easy to become less sensitive to what we are exposed to. It's kind of like shutting the light out when you go to bed. At first you can't see but then after a couple of minutes, you can see well enough. We should all be that little light in the dark.
We all have our moments when our attitude is not at quite the right altitude. Being around others with a positive, cheerful focus can give us the boost we need. The downfall of our attitude is often our selfish desires. Things aren't going according to how, when, or where we want them to so we get a knot in our tail.